wedding ceremonies



As your celebrant my role is to help you create the most memorable day for your wedding.

Let me take you through the stages of my commitment to you.

first meeting

After our initial contact I will ask to meet with you. I am happy for the meeting to be either at your home or perhaps your favourite café. As long as you are feeling comfortable and relaxed as it can be daunting to start the process.

We will discuss, what your wishes are and how you would like your wedding day to be celebrated. This is also when I find out about your love story. Your hopes and dreams for your future together. By doing this it will help me create a wedding script that is perfectly individualised to you and you alone.

We can also discuss what I may need to provide in terms of amplification, microphone and equipment that I may need to provide.

the paperwork

I will also discuss what you will need to provide for me to organise your legal paperwork. This would include:

  • Birth Certificates

  • Drivers Licence/Proof of ID

  • Legal paperwork from previous marriages (if this is applicable)

Not everybody has the documents on hand so this will give you time to gather all of your information before our next meeting.

When I have finished the draft copy of your script I will email you. If any changes need to be we will have plenty of time to change anything you wish. If you decide to have secret vows to each other I will leave these out of your script so you can surprise each other on the day.

second meeting

Our second meeting is when you will sign the Notice of Intended to Marriage. This document is where I will need to fill in your personal and legal information. The information you provide is needed to make all the documentation legal. I will then have the relevant information for the remainder of your paperwork. All of your information is treated with the utmost respect and privacy. This meeting is also a great chance to discuss the wedding how the wedding plans are going.

Remember, you can always call or email me with any questions or thoughts you may have at any time during the wedding preparations.

final meeting

Our final meeting before the wedding is for the rehearsal. It is better if your bridal party can be available (though I know this is not always possible) for the rehearsal. It gives everyone a chance to practice where they should be standing etc, read through poems or readings and when the music will be played. It is also a great time for a quick get together for the bridal party before the Wedding.

wedding day

I will arrive 1 hour prior to ceremony to set up equipment. Prior to your day I will have your Marriage Certificate beautifully printed. I will perform your ceremony to your specifications with respect and dignity.

Once the paperwork is signed and the ceremony concludes I will wait until the bridal party and guests are out of sight before I pack up all the equipment (where possible).

Within days of your ceremony I will send your relevant information to the office of Births/Deaths and Marriages. I will inform of this by both text and email, along with relevant information relating to changing of name (if applicable).


Congratulations to you both!